Why Choose Air N Fire for Your Fireplace Maintenance Needs?

At Air N Fire, we understand that your fireplace is an important part of your home. That’s why we offer a variety of fireplace maintenance services to keep your fireplace running safely and efficiently.

Our fireplace maintenance services include:

  • Gas fireplace service: We inspect and clean your gas fireplace, including the burner assembly, pilot light, and venting system. We also adjust the gas pressure and make any necessary repairs.
  • Gas log service: We clean and inspect your gas logs, and we replace them if they are damaged.
  • Gas fireplace glass cleaning: We clean your gas fireplace glass using a special cleaner that removes soot and smoke without scratching the glass.

We are a licensed and insured company, and we are certified by the Chimney Safety Institute of America (CSIA), the National Chimney Sweep Guild (NCSG), and the National Fire Institute (NFI).

Why is Fireplace Maintenance Important?

Regular fireplace maintenance is important for a number of reasons. First, it helps to prevent fires. When your fireplace is not properly maintained, soot and creosote can build up in the chimney. This buildup can ignite and cause a chimney fire.

Second, fireplace maintenance helps to improve the efficiency of your fireplace. When your fireplace is clean and well-maintained, it will burn more efficiently and produce more heat. This can save you money on your energy bills.

Third, fireplace maintenance helps to extend the life of your fireplace. When your fireplace is properly maintained, it will last for many years.

air n fire team

Repair | Services | Installation

Air N Fire

Air Duct Cleaning, Dryer Vent Cleaning, Chimney Sweeping, and Fireplace Maintenance and Repair

Heartfelt Musings on Fireplaces:

Your gas fireplace is a canvas of memories. Those quiet evenings, family gatherings, or moments of introspection by its gentle glow. Regular maintenance isn’t just about prolonging its life; it’s about honoring its place in your home.

Heartfelt Musings on Fireplaces:

  • Consistency is Key: Regular upkeep ensures that your fireplace always offers its best. Its warmth and glow remain steady, providing the same comfort as its first day.

  • Lasting Beauty: A well-maintained fireplace remains ever-beautiful. It continues to be the visual treat of your space, making each evening memorable.

  • Efficiency Matters: A regularly serviced fireplace offers economic benefits, maximizing fuel efficiency.

  • Peace Prevails: With the knowledge that professionals have catered to every minute detail, rest easy knowing your cozy corner remains safe.

Schedule Your Fireplace Maintenance Appointment Today!

Why Hire Air N Fire for Fireplace Maintenance and Repairs ?





What People Say

Read up on what our past customers have to say about the quality of our services. Their experience when they hired us will provide a good idea of what it’s like working with our team:

Leroy and Gal provided exceptional chimney installation at Air N Fire. Their attention to detail and skill set them apart.
Anna Pruitt
Anna Pruitt
Gal and Tom's chimney cleaning at Air N Fire was prompt and thorough. Our fireplace is now operating efficiently – fantastic service!
Eduardo Donohue
Eduardo Donohue
Dryer cleaning by Tom and Nevo at Air N Fire was quick and efficient. Our appliances now run smoothly, thanks to their expertise.
Tristan Miller
Tristan Miller
Tom and Gal from Air N Fire provided top-notch chimney cleaning. Professional and efficient service – our fireplace is now in great condition.
Christine Lange
Christine Lange
Leroy and Tom delivered exceptional HVAC installation at Air N Fire. Our home is now comfortably equipped, thanks to their expertise.
Aletha Boozer
Aletha Boozer
The company stood behind their work by offering a warranty and guarantee on the services provided. This assurance gave us confidence in the durability of the repairs and the longevity of the HVAC and chimney systems.
Shawna Castagna
Shawna Castagna
The technicians took the time to educate us about the functioning of our HVAC and chimney systems. This educational approach empowered us to make informed decisions about maintenance and understand the importance of regular service.
Esther Hubbard
Esther Hubbard
Air N Fire offered a preventive maintenance program, allowing us to schedule regular check-ups for our HVAC and chimney systems. This proactive approach helped us avoid major issues and maintain the optimal performance of our home systems.
Estela Smith
Estela Smith
Dryer Vent Cleaning - "Just WOW! Our dryer works twice as efficiently now. They don't just clean; they educate on safety and efficiency. 🌬️👕"
Alma Palmer
Alma Palmer
Fireplace Maintenance - "Our fireplace was gathering dust, now it's the heart of our home again! ❤️ So warm, cozy, and safe thanks to the team. 🔥"
Nicholas Harvey
Nicholas Harvey

Most Common Problems / Solutions

  1. Problem: Soot Build-Up on Glass Doors

    • Solution: Use a fireplace glass cleaner or a mixture of vinegar and water. Spray the solution on the glass, let it sit for a few minutes, then wipe it off with a soft cloth.
  2. Problem: Fireplace Doesn’t Ignite

    • Solution: Check if the pilot light is on. If it’s out, follow the manufacturer’s instructions to relight it. Ensure that the gas valve is open and that there’s no obstruction in the gas line.
  3. Problem: Smoke Entering the Room

    • Solution: Ensure the damper is fully open. Also, have the chimney inspected for blockages like bird nests or creosote build-up, and get it cleaned if necessary.
  4. Problem: Foul Odor When Fireplace is On

    • Solution: This might indicate a creosote build-up. Schedule a chimney cleaning service. Also, make sure that there’s no unburned fuel left in the fireplace.
  5. Problem: Cracked or Damaged Bricks and Mortar

    • Solution: Address these issues promptly to prevent further damage. Use fire-resistant mortar to fill in small cracks or gaps. For more extensive damage, consider hiring a professional.
  6. Problem: Reduced Heat Output

    • Solution: Check for soot or ash build-up. A dirty fireplace can be less efficient. Clean out ashes and ensure that the vents are not blocked.
  7. Problem: Gas Smell When Using a Gas Fireplace

    • Solution: Turn off the fireplace and gas supply immediately. Ventilate the room and call a professional to inspect for gas leaks. Always have a carbon monoxide detector in rooms with gas appliances.
  8. Problem: Loud Popping or Cracking Sounds

    • Solution: Some noise is normal as the fireplace heats up and cools down. However, excessive popping might indicate moisture in your firewood. Ensure your wood is seasoned and dry before burning.
  9. Problem: White Stains on Exterior Bricks (Efflorescence)

    • Solution: This is caused by moisture pushing salts to the surface of the brick. Clean with a stiff brush and a mixture of water and white vinegar. Address any moisture issues to prevent recurrence.
  10. Problem: Rapid Creosote Build-Up

  • Solution: This can result from burning unseasoned wood, having a restricted air supply, or cooler than normal chimney temperatures. Only use seasoned wood, ensure proper airflow, and have your chimney inspected and cleaned annually.

Remember, while some maintenance and minor fixes can be DIY, always consult with or hire a professional for more complex issues or when in doubt about the safety of your fireplace.

Here are some common fireplace maintenance issues that can occur over time

gas log vented inspection

Vented Gas Logs System

Gas Fireplace Pilot Lights

Gas Fireplace Pilot Lights

Gas fireplace remote installation

Fireplace Remote

result after Chimney cap insulation

Chimney cap

chimney cracks inspection

Chimney Crack Repair

Chimney Rebuild

Chimney Rebuild

We take care of all your, chimney, and fireplace needs! 24/7 service, call us today for a free estimate!


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